domingo, 22 de marzo de 2020

Listening activities in the distance.- EDPUZZLE

Since we are going through difficult times now, I am taking advantage of this course to continue with my classes online. I have  prepared two videos for my 1st of bachillerato class, one of them is a British meme which will be voluntary and this second one will be compulsory. The meme is to have a relaxed time in class and have an introduction to the use of modal verbs, the second is very basic and simple but it will serve me to refresh old ideas about this grammatical point and then explain it to them with the help of the post in my blog Close your books ( I have it linked at the end of the video). There is no way I can flip the class now, because I won't be able to have practice time in class, but I will try to assess them back on the exercises I propose them on a Google Meet videoconference. These are very good listening activities, because they need to make an effort to understand on their own and complete the questions, both multiple-choice and open-ended, I have poposed.

Last week, they got a listening test by means of a Google form with Timify, it has been a great experience too.

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