domingo, 9 de febrero de 2020


I created this blog a few years ago to use it as a virtual notebook online for all of my courses. I usually write in Spanish in it, because I have been doing other online courses in which the language was Spanish, but I was sooo looking forward for a course in English.

I am doing this new one in English at the CEP de Castilleja, the "school for teachers" that our employees have given us teachers and which I am so proud of. This is a very necessary place for teachers to develop their skills and not to feel alone, if we work together, we will get further and that benefits our students. Therefore, we will have some posts in it in English.

I have added this list of links they asked us for, I have also added some more blogs and a picture here in the post. Since they asked for two pictures and I don't like entries with two pictures so much, I have changed the background of the blog with the picture I have for my real blog Close your books, which helped me work with my students for several years and also cowork with other teachers who didn't work at my high school (I don't know if you will be able to see it for, as long as I know, it was stolen from me a couple of years ago, so I had to migrate the contents to Close your books2). I have also created the list of links and the cloud of tags I was asked for, so I am willing to jump into step/module 2 when my tutor allows me to.

We are going to have a great course!!!

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